Saturday, January 21, 2006

That Hypocritical Bastard

I was sleeping restlessly, dreaming of fire and monkeys and flight, as usual. Derek's snoring woke me up, or maybe my dreams woke me up; doesn't matter. I sat up in bed (well, a pile of blankets on the floor -- it is not much of a bed) and for a minute it was overwhelming. It just rushed over me - everything we've lost, our whole way of life, and now we're sqatting in a cold basement in an abandoned building. How did it come to this? How is this my life?

And then it hit me: we're squatting. In an abandoned building.

We don't own this building. We have no right to be here. But Derek - DEREK STOLE A WHOLE DAMN BUILDING.

And he's bitching at me about a few minutes of wireless?

Furious. I am furious. He is insufferable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men! The world is ending and they get upset about little territorial things. You just keep right on using that wireless as long as you have batteries.

Incidentally, if you can get a car battery you can use it to power your laptop as if it were on AC power. That's the way they do it in third world countries and since the monkey attacks, isn't that what we've become?

7:49 AM  

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