Saturday, October 07, 2006

Post-Apocalyptic Nutrition

In the comments, an anonymous reader writes,

You are weird. Peach vodka and martini, really. What happened to good old margaritas. Milking the end of the lime is normal. But _peach_? From a bottle?

I don't know what apocalypse this person's writing from, but let me tell you, the one we're in doesn't offer much variety in the food. Supplies are limited; we've been surviving on canned peaches, beef jerky, and vodka (ever since I finished off the gin). And somehow, mixing beef jerky and vodka just doesn't sound all that appealing.

I'd hoped that when we reached Georgia and Jimmy Carter's army, supplies would be better - but hell, this is the damn peachtree state. More peaches, that's all they have here. One group is working on getting some hydroponic farming going, and other groups have been scavenging the outlying areas for more canned food - but it's a good thing I like peaches.

Next time we have an apocalypse, we're totally using a different caterer. This I swear.
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