Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Some Monkeys Have a Problem

Chris posted a link to an article about monkeys and alcohol consumption; give it a read.

Monkeys drink more alcohol when housed alone, and some like to end a long day in the lab with a boozy cocktail, according to a new analysis of alcohol consumption among members of a rhesus macaque social group.

DAISI refuses all offers of gin. Maybe she can't consume alcohol (as I said earlier, evil robot monkeys don't eat bananas), or maybe she's just more of a tequila girl. I'll have to ask her.

I'm reminded of this quotation from a New York Times article about the Robert Blake trial, back BM. I swear to God that I am not making this up:

Earlier in the trial, a professor from the University of California, Los Angeles, testified as an expert witness about the psychotropic effects of cocaine. He said that he had smoked crack cocaine himself and sat in a cage with monkeys to teach them how to smoke cocaine as well.

Maybe tonight we'll try to get DAISI to smoke one of Miles's special cigarettes, and then watch Pretty in Pink with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monkeys not smoking, Clarissa. Smoking only from short circuits. Humans too. Circuits shorting when smoking. Not smoking Hail to the Chief Carter. Fighting evil monkeys. Fighting, Clarissa. Not smoking.

6:48 PM  

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