Monday, April 24, 2006

Read Between The Lines, People

Check out this news story on CNN!

FINALLY the media is starting to report what we all know. The story doesn't mention the word "robot" but I think it's pretty clear, don't you?

Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary, eh? Maybe someday I'll have the resources to visit Africa. But remember this, everyone: Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary. I'm not saying that's the ERM hive but it sure seems like a good candidate for the short list, doesn't it?

swear to GOD I'm going to tell you all what's been going on lately. As always, things are busy. We're packing up to leave the library but since we're low on gin the packing should go quickly, so I hope I'll have a few moments to spare tomorrow. It is so exciting!

Friday, April 21, 2006

I've been tagged

Mary Robinette, who seems to live in monkey-free Iceland, tagged me! And since several people have recently written to express their concern over my silence, I thought I'd take care of two things at once by replying to her tag.

The deal is I have to tell you six random things about myself.

1. DAISI brings me a lovely cup of coffee every morning. It is very decadent, and at first I was reluctant to let her spoil me like that, but then I realized: she makes a good cup of coffee.

There's a little coffee shop on the ground floor of the library, and DAISI broke in and figured out how to work the coffee machines. Most robot monkeys don't have much experience with coffee makers but DAISI is pretty good at figuring stuff out.

2. I have a birthmark shaped like a little squid. It's on a part of my body that's usually covered by clothes. But if you ever have to identify my body in the aftermath of a monkey attack, that's what you should look for.

3. My favorite color is purple. Dark purple.

4. Hey, I just realized I'm maybe THE pre-eminent Anglo-Saxon scholar in the WORLD today. Unfortunately I don't think the Society for Anglo-Saxon Studies is going to be holding their annual convention this year.

5. Yesterday was Gretchen's first birthday. I wonder what Derek did to celebrate? I miss them both terribly.

6. The library is almost out of gin.

I am too lazy to tag 6 more people. But if I did, they'd be robert, demosthenes, geoffrey, will, aliette, and jilly (who does not really count as a person but what the hey).

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Shimmer Spring Bonus Story

Those fabulous geniuses at Shimmer just sent me e-mail about a great new bonus story they've put up on their web site. Check it out!
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