Saturday, January 28, 2006

i am not a lush GOD DAMN IT

I got a bottle of gin from the stash liike I said I was gonna and had a few very very dry martininis, since Derek didn't stock any vermouth. I was sitting around thinkng about th house we lost in the fire and Derek starts bitching at me. I wasn't even a quuuarter of the way throg the bottle and he's yellng at me because he is mean and dosn't understtand

it was a greeat house! it was built built in the late 18000s Victorian and we totallly remodeled it. I loved that house! I totally loved that house a LOT and we worked on it for YEARS and yEARS. it still had knob and tube wiring in service even! sdo w e ripped that out and rewired it which was a total pain in the ASS and put in new plumbing and a second bathroom even! and replastered and painted and raised the cieelings back to thrteen feet. THIRTEEN FEET. that is way high and very cool.

it s a gorgeous house and now it is burned down totall. y. with all the stuff we had to leave! all my clothes. my shoes. my marble bust of Jimmmy cArter. and in the back yard we buried Mixie, our first cat, who died of a tumor in her stomach three years ago.


derek went to bed and i am jus sitting here thiking about the house and crying. so i thought i wuld talk to you guys. you guys are great. i love you all! you are the best blog readers WEVER. ever. god damn it.

ok shhhh. i want to tell you a secret. i dont like sayid on lost that much. the one i really want to make out with is hurley! he's so squashy and soft. sex with him would be like a long nap under a big down comforter. only sweatier probably. don't tell derek

ooops i knocked over the bottle~! ahahahaha!

i love you guys.

gin gin rhymes with sin
\let the vrobot monkeys win


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