Thursday, February 23, 2006

You are such a monkey.

"Jilly" again:

I left the garage the day before I wrote.

Sure you did, sweetie. Nice try. You taking lying lessons from 10-year-olds? I guess ERM truth evasion technology is still pretty primative (which I take as evidence that they were not produced by the Soviets or the Republicans). Who needs to lie well when you've got laser rifles? I expect the next generation to have some pretty significant enhancements in this area. Why, just look at how much better Jilly's speech is than DAISI's, and I think Jilly's only two generations older than DAISI. (I bet Jilly could kick DAISI's ass at Scrabble. That would be nice.)

These are not true chimps! Jane Goodall would be bored out of her skull watching them. They just stood there for several minutes, doing nothing. Then Sagey got bored and wandered off to catch a rat.

Jane Goodall wouldn't be bored. Once the monkeys shot her in the stomach, she'd be too busy bleeding to death to be bored.

Who but a monkey would try to convince me that evil robot monkeys just stand around harmlessly and let primate researchers take field notes?

Plus. The monkeys don't just kill people. They kill cats and dogs, too. They seem to leave birds alone, for some reason, but they are death on mammals - which Jilly would know, if she were a real human being in hiding. Which she's not. Because she's an evil robot monkey doing a poor imitation of a woman. This is like watching a really awful drag queen; he's not convincing anyone but he sure keeps trying.

Anyway, I'm just hoping that you will continue to post. And continue to let me post.

I support free speech, even for evil robot monkeys. By offering you a space to incriminate yourself, I can gather the information I need to fight off you and the scourge you represent.


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