Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Never play Scrabble with a Zen master

So we're playing today. I made DAISI watch the monitors, since she screwed up so badly yesterday - so I'm doing ok in the game. I've never known a Zen master before, so I'm watching Maddie pretty carefully, trying to figure her out. She seems nice enough, though she has a propensity to go off on Buddhist stuff sometimes.

Towards the end of the game she's talking about the monkey mind (not what I thought it was going to be! Stupid Buddhists.) and then it's her turn and she just casually lays down TEQUILA on a triple word score! Argh.

I know you're all concerned about Maddie, and believe me, I have my doubts, too.

I asked her how she found us, and she said that Mr. Kotter had us followed the day we went over to visit and trade peaches. I can't blame him; I would have, too. And it turns out that I'm not the only one who thinks he looks like Mr. Kotter; pretty much everyone calls him that. It's a bummer; I thought I was all clever. But no.

Anyway it's pretty clear that the location of our basement isn't really much of a secret any more; after DAISI found us, I guess it was just a matter of time until we had more visitors, both the good kind and the bad. We've got the EMP weapon and we've got the surveillance cameras and DAISI swears the geese will protect us (yeah right. They're creepy, but i don't see them scaring off evil robot monkeys.) And there isn't really any place else to go - I've asked Derek to start scouting out a new safe place for us, but it's so dangerous to be outside - I'm always terrified when he's gone.

I can't say that I disagree with G. about pacifism. These are difficult times - and I just can't believe that people have scruples about killing evil robot monkeys. It's like blowing up a toaster, people! Maybe it's a waste of technology in these troubled times - but it's not a moral issue. Derek and Maddie are getting along famously but they really make me cranky.

Why's it my job to defend those who refuse to defend themselves? I should just put a sign out front: The Clarissa F. Mueller Home for Wayward Pacifists.

One good thing about nuns and nice robot monkeys: they're not too interested in booze. I'm becoming quite fond of peach juice spiked well with vodka. We've got a whole wall of canned peaches to work through; such a shame to waste all that juice.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Clarissa, you did the right thing taking Maddie in. Of course you have to be careful, paranoid even. But if the monkeys can make us so fearful that we shoot down every other human we see, we'll never be able to fight together, and then we're done for. Anyway, DAISI would have known. Wouldn't she??

12:41 PM  

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