Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Well. Demosthenes has been sending me e-mail all day, telling me that Maddie is a robot monkey in disguise - and she is freakishly good at Scrabble. DAISI started in with the suspicions, too. Every time I looked up, Maddie and Derek were talking about something. I tried to be part of the conversation a few times but they would just sort of smile patiently at me. I hate that. I really hate that.

And Demosthenes kept after me. "She's a monkey," he kept saying. And DAISI - they both kept after me, all day.

OK, so it's true, I'm worried about my family. Our life here is tough but it's a good life and I'm determined to protect it. But I also don't want to become completely paranoid. If I can't connect with other human beings any more, then the evil robot monkeys have won, you know? So I spent all afternoon going back and forth, weighing my options. I was getting really worked up about it, too.

Then I thought: What would Jimmy Carter do? And all became clear.

So I crushed up some sleeping pills and slipped them into Derek and Maddie's macaroni and cheese dinners. After they were asleep, DAISI and I tied them to the beds so that they couldn't struggle, and then I took a razor blade and sliced open Maddie's shoulder to see if she would bleed.

She did.

She's human. And she's pissed, and so is Derek, and everyone's mad at me, and I don't know how to fix this. God damn it.

I guess I should untie them. But I don't want to.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wise human Hail to the Chief Carter. Maddie maybe still evil Kotter girl. Also pissed now. Snrrrfffff!

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking DAISI. Maddie pissed now. Not good this. Real Zen Mistress not pissing. Maybe evil human. Maybe not real Mistress. If not mistress, OK, could be pretending from afraidness. If evil human, send away.

8:38 AM  

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