A solution
I tried to keep it short, but if I missed anything too important, or if you can't see the file, let me know!
If you slow down, the monkeys will get you.
I left the garage the day before I wrote.
Sure you did, sweetie. Nice try. You taking lying lessons from 10-year-olds? I guess ERM truth evasion technology is still pretty primative (which I take as evidence that they were not produced by the Soviets or the Republicans). Who needs to lie well when you've got laser rifles? I expect the next generation to have some pretty significant enhancements in this area. Why, just look at how much better Jilly's speech is than DAISI's, and I think Jilly's only two generations older than DAISI. (I bet Jilly could kick DAISI's ass at Scrabble. That would be nice.)
These are not true chimps! Jane Goodall would be bored out of her skull watching them. They just stood there for several minutes, doing nothing. Then Sagey got bored and wandered off to catch a rat.
Anyway, I'm just hoping that you will continue to post. And continue to let me post.
I support free speech, even for evil robot monkeys. By offering you a space to incriminate yourself, I can gather the information I need to fight off you and the scourge you represent.
This place was used as a bomb shelter during the fifties, and the stocks of MRE's are still here, and still edible. Mostly. As much as they ever were.
My cats and I have taken refuge in an underground parking garage, right in the center of downtown. We're down on the lowest level.
As for the monkeys in Nova Scotia--you and Robert are the first outside contact I've been able to make since the accident. Food supplies are running low and the phone lines are dead. Jimminy went out to seek a recent issue of TV Guide, and hasn't returned...I have come to the realization that I might never know how Survivor concludes this season.
Stay brave, stay free, fight the monkeys.
Guard geese, like Ballantines Distillery on Clyde. Scotland. Geese guard good. Very fierce, more than dogs fierce. Guard whiskey. Guard Clarissa.
I've had difficulty in resolving issues between saccarine geese borders and EMP weapons. I hope you have better luck than I did.
I fought so much with my husband before...now that they've taken him, I regret it every second. Cherish the time you have with Derek!
. . . Remember the wonderful beginnings -- don't forget them! It's what we need in these hard times. Memory is all that sustains me in through these wretched days.
For What Binds Us
There are names for what binds us:
strong forces, weak forces.
Look around, you can see them:
the skin that forms in a half-empty cup,
nails rusting into the places they join,
joints dovetailed on their own weight.
The way things stay so solidly
wherever they've been set down --
and gravity, scientists say, is weak.
And see how the flesh grows back
across a wound, with a great vehemence,
more strong
than the simple, untested surface before.
There's a name for it on horses,
when it comes back darker and raised: proud flesh,
as all flesh
is proud of its wounds, wears them
as honors given out after battle,
small triumphs pinned to the chest --
And when two people have loved each other
see how it is like a
scar between their bodies,
stronger, darker, and proud;
how the black cord makes of them a single fabric
that nothing can tear or mend.
Clarisssa Bio-human female. Know I. Not evil monkey you. Not soft I. Metal. Cold. Sstrong. Not insider I. Hiding. Afraid. Helping few. Good not trusst me you. Not trust you I. Rissk. Monkey gun bring I. Leave by your door. Take or not take. Rissk.
-Monkey Not Evil I